SPA FFMS UB Won 2nd Place in UBAQA 2020

The Study Program of Aquaculture, FFMS UB received an award as the second winner of UBAQA (Universitas Brawijaya Annual Quality Award) 2020 for the Study Program category which was announced during the UB Anniversary Open Meeting online on January 5, 2021. The event was attended by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo who gave a scientific oration.

As we know that UBAQA is an annual appreciation to ensure the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of the performance of all work units at Universitas Brawijaya in order to provide good and sustainable services. This award is an annual agenda organized by LP3M UB (Institute for Educational Development and Quality Assurance).

UBAQA at the Study Program level will measure the extent to which the role of Study Programs and Support Units contributes to the results of higher education clustering or national university rankings.

Hopefully, by getting this award, it can spur the enthusiasm of Lecturers in the BP Study Program in particular and all Lecturers at FPIK UB to maintain the quality and quality of Education Implementation in their respective units. Hopefully in the future it will be even better.