Institution-Based Competition Grant Program (PHKI)

Theme B

Increasing the Quality, Relevance and Effisiency of Major Implementation

1.1 Background

Brawijaya University (UB) has vision being best university with international standard and be able active role in nation building through education process, research, and dedication to society. In 2009 UB has accredited A and at this time UB is Public service Agency (BLU) since 17 December 2008. To accelerate the achievement of vision to be the best university of international standard in 2020 through phases of achieving the level of competitiveness of the Asia Pacific region in 2014, the UB through themes and strives to improve the performance of PS and an operation unit that is still below target performance of the institution. The results of self-evaluation shows that the competitiveness of graduates in the third PS PS Aquaculture related ie, PS Physics, and PS Ketenikan Agriculture is still low which is characterized by the time to get the job long enough. Beside that the main problem that was had by that 3 majors almost same such as 1) finishing the final test in a long time; 2) study duration, 3) minim of resource sharing in using of laboratory, 4) and minim of lecturer productivity in research and publication

1.2 purpose

Major with internal management performance and efisience which is still low, it can increase its internal management. so it can accreditate well and be able to self-prepare to compete on regional level of ASEAN and global. With sharing resourc concept, each participate major will work synergistically and complete each other to recover the low of other major performance. Overall, this model was expected capable in real cotribution lift competitiveness UB

1.3.   Development Program Description

According to self-evaluation, then the problem that was solved soon by this PHK-I, focused on internal management aspect (isu I), efficiency & productivity (isu E), relevancy (R), and accessibility. For that program implementation unit development on ( Aquaculture, Physics, agricultural engineering) covers:

ACTIVITY 1:Extending UB Outrech program by increasing the cooperation with SMA, PEMDA, and goverment Intanceor private
Sub.Activity 1.1:Improvement the system and strategy of promote activity profile PS-PS UB, especially which has accest problem
Sub.Activity 1.2:Implementation promote system by getting the most oustanding student from weak economic communities.
Sub.Activity 1.3:Increasing the cooperation of scholarship sponsorship with stakeholders
ACTIVITY 2: Shorten study by optimalization of SPMI, increasing serve qualitiy of laboratory and strengthening research cooperation & resource sharing with major
Sub.Activity 2.1:Optimalization SPMI for Monitoring Learning Activity Process, Evaluation of Course structure and Thesis
Sub.Activity 2.2:Strengthening Laboratory Service to Support Thesis.
Sub.Activity 2.3:Increasing cooperation of Multidisciplinary research
ACTIVITY 3: Empowerment of lectures the main science which giving the contribution in finishing thesis
Sub.Activity 3.1:Increasing learning innovations supporting thesis
Sub.Activity 3.2:Empowerment lab to improve understanding and analytical skills of students
ACTIVITY 4: Increased competence of graduates to shorten the waiting period by utilizing the results of the study trecer
Sub.Activity 4.1:Improvement material standard and learning process and curiculum implementation with utilizing tracer study results
Sub.Activity 4.2:Increasing softskill of students inleadership, management and communication
Sub.Activity 4.3:Increasing the skill of Team Working, Open Mind, Problem Solving and Self-Optimalization

laporan interim phk-i b 2011 FINAL

LAPORAN interim PHK-I 2012