HMPBP Community Service at Nganteb Beach

Community Service is an activity that aims to help certain communities through several activities without expecting anything in return. Community service activities are carried out by the HMPBP Department of Social Environment on August 24-25, 2019.

  1. This activity is carried out in Nganteb Beach, Tambak Rejo Village, Malang. The objectives of the HMPBP community service activities are:
  2. To improve the quality of remote areas. specifically, so that it can be used in the future as a basic capital in community life.
  3. To prepare Aquaculture students to become students who have academic and professional abilities so that they can apply, develop and enrich knowledge to improve the lives of the community.
  4. Provide training to students of the Aquaculture Association Waters to care about the community and its environment by improving and creating a clean and comfortable environment for the community.

As for the activities carried out in community service this time include BP Mengajar, Ber anyway Beach, Planting Mangroves, Making Slogans on the Board, Painting the Trash Can, etc.