Moristin, FPIK UB Student Innovation, that is useful in preventing Covid-19 interactions

A group of FPIK UB students (Indri Dwi Fitria, Rani Elvira, Jamilah Zahrotul Jannah, Kevin and Alfain Homis Fadil) together with lecturers of the Aquaculture Study Program of FPIK UB (Muhammad Fakhri, S.Pi, MP, M.Sc.) succeeded in producing new innovations. in the world of cosmetics. They make body lotion using natural ingredients that are environmentally friendly and safe for the skin, which are made from Patin skin and Moringa leaves. Special, this body lotion can be used to prevent the interaction of the covid-19 virus.

The Moristin’s Innovator Team (Student of FFMS Universitas Brawijaya)

They mention that the use of synthetic chemicals in body lotion, not all of them are safe, such as Parabens and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene), if used in the long term can be toxic and can trigger cancer (casinogenic). Whereas body lotion is widely used by the public because of its various benefits, such as to provide nutrition to the skin and moisturize the skin so it doesn’t dry out. As a solution, a body lotion was made that utilizes natural ingredients such as catfish collagen and Moringa leaves which contain flavonoids. This innovative product is named moristin which stands for Moringa oleifera and Patin skin.

“We made this body lotion because it was inspired by the widespread use of hand sanitizers which actually cause dehydration of the skin, so the skin becomes dry”

As it is known that this catfish skin collagen has benefits in preventing premature aging, moisturizing the skin, increasing skin elasticity and can prevent skin wrinkles. The hope is that this product can be an alternative for people who need a body lotion that is more natural and safe for the skin.

“The content of Moringa leaves, such as apilin, epicatechin and hesperetin have good affinity for the active site of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which can inhibit the interaction process of SARS-Cov-2.,”

Indri Dwi Fitria said