Aquaculture Camp 2019

Aquaculture Camp is an annual event organized by the Indonesian Aquaculture Student Association (HIMAKUAI). The essence of this Aquaculture Camp activity is to provide guidance in a village where the cultivation potential is large enough to be developed, but the cultivation process carried out by the local community is still far from the CBIB (Good Fish Cultivation) procedure.

The theme of the Aquacamp 2019 activity is “Great Life and Success with Aquaculture to National Food Sovereignty” at Halu Oleo University, Kendari. One of the objectives of this event is to establish an aquaculture-assisted village by providing training on aquaculture. The event was held on 26-30 March 2019 in Ranooha Raya Village, Moramo District, South Konawe District, Southeast Sulawesi.

The HIIMAKUAI FPIK UB delegation were:

  1. Emir Ma’arif Imamudin
  2. Eka Laila Dindayani
  3. Lulu Imtinan Muthiah
  4. Dian Ramadhani Wibowo