Congratulation! Study Program of Aquaculture FFMS-UB, Certified by AUN-QA

Good news from study program of aquaculture (SPA), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Universitas Brawijaya (FFMS-UB), that is successfully certified by ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA). AUN is a university network organization, centered in Thailand, established to improve the quality standard of university in ASEAN.

Previously SPA has been accredited “A” by Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BANPT). Now with the certification from AUN-QA, the alumni of SPA could be recognized and take a part in workplace in ASEAN level. In future, the quality of education and services of SPA should be increase continuously in international level, so could make broad network with the University all over the world.

This achievement is the result of hard work from all parties. Thank you very much for all parties in Universitas Brawijaya level, for all academic and support staff in FFMS-UB, and special thanks for all academic staff and student in Study Program of Aquaculture. We should keep the spirit to continuously increase the education quality and excellent services.

SPA is the 1st study program certified by AUN-QA in Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Universitas Brawiajaya. Hopefully, this will encourage others study program in FFMS-UB. With the certification of 4 study programs by AUN-QA in Universitas Brawiajaya this year, there are 17 study programs that are certified by AUN-QA in Universitas Brawijaya.