Prof. Satria Bijaksana Assist the AUN QA Simulation of Study Program of Aquaculture

Aquaculture Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, conducts an Asean University Network Quality Assurance (AUN QA) assessment simulation. This simulation takes place on Thursday, November 31, 2019, at the Main Meeting Room, FPIK-UB. Prof. Dr. Satria Bijaksana from the Institut Teknologi BAndung (ITB) was present as an assessor who assisted in this simulation process. This activity was opened by the Dean of FPIK UB, Prof. Dr. Happy Nursyam, M.S. Invited guests who attended the event included officials of FPIK UB’s dean, Head of Department and Study Program within FPIK UB, along with lecturers in the Aquaculture Study Program.

According to Prof. Satria Bijaksana, Assessment at AUN QA is not a place to find mistakes, but rather for improvement of the study program. He also expects honest answers from various parties involved, including students, alumni, lecturers, and education staff, so that later they can be used as input in the management of study programs.

Since 1998, the ASEAN University Network has initiated a program called AUN-QA (ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance). In 2014, Universitas Brawijaya joined as a member of AUN QA. The main objective of the AUN QA program is the alignment and development of a quality assurance system so that the standards of higher education in ASEAN countries have increased. With the assessment conducted by AUN-QA, it can improve UB’s achievements in the eyes of the international world.