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3 in 1 Program in Fish Nutrition Subject

The study program of Aquaculture FPIK-UB held a guest lecture by Prof. Jeong-Dae Kim, from Kangwon National University, South Korea. This 3 in 1 activity will taking place for 3 days, from November 25 to 27, 2019. Aquaculture students who took fish nutrition courses, have the opportunity to experience lectures with a Professor from Korea. This 3 in 1…

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Aquaculture Student Organization (HMPBP) Becomes a Champion of Khatulistiwa V 2019

Selamat kepada Himpunan Mahasiswa Budidaya Perairan (HMPBP) yang berhasil memperoleh gelar Juara Umum dalam ajang Khatulistiwa V (Kompetisi Hasil Karya Tulis Mahasiswa) tahun 2019. Malam penganugerahan (Awarding Night) dilaksanakan pada malam 10 November 2019 bertempat di Gedung Kebudayaan Mahasiswa, Universitas Brawijaya. Kegiatan Khatulistiwa ini merupakan ajang bergengsi tingkat Fakultas untuk membangkitkan gairah berprestasi dalam bidang karya tulis ilmiah. Output…

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Champion of PILMAPRES FPIK UB 2019

Aruma Hamidah, Aquaculture Student 2016, was chosen as the most oustanding student (MAWAPRES) 2019, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Brawijaya. Mawapres is held every year to to arouse the enthusiasm of student achievement, both in the academic and non-academic fields. The selection process is open for all students and students from all departments in FPIK UB. Later,…

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