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Kartini’s Day 2014

In fact, women have equal rights with the men. Moreover, in express their opinion. Do not just because women can not voice their opinions and only silence become loyal audience. Can be imagine that the time R. A Kartini was not aware and be brave to ask what they are entitled. Maybe women could not pursuing higher education than…

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HMP Coffee Break – Aquaculture 2014

Coffee Break HMP – Budidaya Perairan 2014 Coffee break is one of the events held by HMP – Aquaculture in order to discussion as well as strengthen relationship between community members. In Coffee Break event there are a lot of things were discussed, among others, about the problems that occur in the study program. This event takes seriously but…

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FPIK UB 2014 Open House

Open House FPIK UB 2014 Some documentations HMP  Activity – Aquaculture at the LSO and LOF Open House Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Universitas Brawijaya: Students who are guard the booths All of crew who performed in the open house yesterday Aquaculture Mascot (Udang Man) Beberapa dokumentasi Kegiatan HMP – Budidaya Perairan pada acara Open House LSO dan…

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Aquaculture Fun Gathering 2014

Fun Gathering Budidaya Perairan 2014 Let all students of Aquaculture we Enliven Fun Gathering event wil be held on September 14, 2014 in Basketball Court of FPIK. This event is for all classes of Aquaculture students, either the class of 2011, 2012, 2013 as well as 2014 Aquaculture new students. Let Enliven this event and show that the Aquaculture…

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Achievement of HMP-BP Student

Prestasi yang pernah diperoleh anggota HMP-BP baik dalam tingkat lokal hingga internasional antara lain : No Nama Kegiatan Prestasi Penyelenggara Tahun 1 Technopreneur Camp Perwakilan Provinsi Jawa Timur Kemenko Perekonomian, Menristek dan Perumahan Rakyat 2012 2 Lomba Menyanyi Juara 3 Olimpiade Brawijaya 2012 3 Rector Cup 2013 Juara 2 PKM K Universitas Brawijaya 2013 4 Lomba Da’I Muda Juara…

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